February 12, 2010

What's In A Name?

"Do you have a name picked out?"
"What's his name going to be?"
"A boy! What will you call him?"

These are questions that I frequently get asked lately. I wish I had an answer.

It was so easy with Sadie. Ben and I were driving home in separate cars, talking on the phone to each other, and we had just found out we were pregnant. The name Sadie clicked in my mind and I knew it was the perfect fit for her. I announced to Ben I had found the name and our search was over. He loved it from the moment it left my lips and the subject was never discussed again.

This time is different! The subject of a 'boy's name' has been discussed for years in our household with no promising results.

So, here are some of the ones that we are considering. Any opinions and thoughts are very much appreciated. I am purposefully leaving off details about who likes which name to prevent any bias ;)



Johnson Family said...

Looks like you've chosen a lot of Johnson family names. We loved and still love the name Grant. Marissa was going to be Grant Michael, but then we found out she was going to be a girl AND my brother ended up naming his little boy (who was born five months before Marissa) Grant Michael. We never even shared our ideas about names. It was so funny they had chosen the same exact name.
Good luck in choosing names!

Unknown said...

I absolutely love the name Henry. But whatever name you choose, I know will be adorable and perfectly fitting.

ps- I just came across my journal from when I was 13 & 14 years old. HILARIOUS. I swear you were on every page :) That, along with the secret identities of our crushes at the time. I was in stitches. Oh, the funniness of youth! :)

Kimmy said...

He will be called Lincoln, by me at least. Just like how dad was called Max by uncle steve and gramma. He will be called Lincoln by me. :)

Natalie said...

I think these are good names. I like them in the following order:
(I think Jackson Johnson sounds like too many "son"s. I like the name, though.)

Heather said...

ooh, I pick Lincoln or Grant. Max has been very popular in Utah lately as well as McKay. Whatever you pick will be adorable!

KT said...

First of all, I think it's hilarious not only that we find out Ben and I are cousins and we named our daughters the same name, BUT, three of the six names you're considering have also been on our boy names list. No worries this time around though, we won't steal your name! I really like Max. Call me biased :-)

KT said...

I just realized that I didn't have a "second of all."

Okay, I'll think of one...

SECOND OF ALL, your Sadie is adorable and I am sad that her animal farm went away. :-(