November 03, 2009

House Renovations

Guess what...

We're expanding our house by two feet.

The addition will take place some time in June!


Lori said...


Heather said...

YEAH!!!!!!! I will have to say...June is the best month to have a Baby. You will love it. Bailey was June 30th, feel free to join the day. I'm so happy for you!

Kristy said...

CONGRATUALTIONS ALICIA AND BEN! SO that was a super cute way to blog it. How exciting for you guys! Two is so fun and I'm sure you will love it! I'm so excited! I hope you are feeling well!

Sharla said...

Congratulations!! We're excited for you guys!

Unknown said...

I think this is the best idea ever for a home renovation :) Congratulations!

Kimmy said...

im glad i now understand this joke...
how embarressing. i'm glad Ben laughed so hard when I called

Valerie said...

Congrats Alecia! That is so exciting! I agree with Kristy and loved how you bloged it! I didn't get it till I saw the baby picture :) So you kinda got me!

Alicia said...

Thanks for the well wishes. Heather, I'm really excited to have a June baby, too. Everyone tells me it's a great month! Kristy, I sure hope I can handle two :) There's only one way to find out!

Crystal and Jordan said...

congrats!!! So fun!