May 05, 2009

"Help! I'm stuck and I can't get out." says Sadie

Sadie shown above enjoying a mid-morning dip in the dog bowl. It is my daily battle to keep her away from toilet bowls and dog bowls. I had just gone in the bathroom to put something away and I accidentally left it open. Then I heard a frustrated grunting coming from that direction and this is what I found. She had gotten herself stuck and couldn't lift herself out! After this video I pulled her out and her whole backside and diaper was soaked. Don't worry, I cleaned and powdered her and she returned quickly to her life of mischief.


Unknown said...

Ah, that is great! I was having a hard time sleeping last night, so finally I just got up a few hours ago, but I was so bored! I kept checking blogger for new updated blogs, and it was all in vain... until now!

I love how Sadie sits there so mildly while you videotape. And I love that as parents our first impulse is to grab the camera, not the child :)

Alicia said...

Wow! You are up early, Chante. Are you feeling uncomfortable from the pregnancy?

Johnson Family said...

Too cute!!! It's amazing to see what kind of mischief these little ones will get themselves into

Joe said...

Holy Cow! That was awesome! It is hard to imagine Joseph at that stage but I'm already sad to think I'll never see or hold him again as a tiny newborn. He is getting so big so fast. Thanks for the video. We'll return the favor here soon.
Love you guys.

Christy said...

That's priceless. Way to go Sadie for trying new things, even if they don't turn out to be as fun as expected (i.e. having a soaked diaper and being stuck).

olive said...

That is hilarious. I love that little Sadie.

olive said...

Oh, I must be logged in under Olive from SEO! Ha! ha! This is KT, not some creepy stalker.